Home Entertainment Mzansi Celebs Jub Jub’s lawyer not surprised by State dropping charges against him

Jub Jub’s lawyer not surprised by State dropping charges against him

Jub Jub

TV presenter and rapper Molemo “Jub Jub” Maarohanye‘s lawyer said that he was not surprised by the State’s decision to drop the charges against his client.

Four women accused Maarohanye of rape, attempted murder, and assault allegedly committed between 2006 to 2009.

He appeared in the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, where the State said there were no reasonable prospects of a successful prosecution in his case.

The rapper’s lawyer, Terrance Baloyi, maintained his client’s innocence throughout the case and said that the decision by the Director of Public Prosecutions was welcome and just.

“The charges, for me, from the onset were not gelling. I don’t think they were conclusive enough to warrant a prosecution. When we submitted the legal representation, we wouldn’t expect any other outcome because the reason and the logic from a legal point of view, the charges had to be withdrawn.”


In other news – State withdraws charges against Jub Jub

Well-known South African television presenter and rapper Molemo ‘Jub Jub’ Maarohanye is a free man again. The state has withdrawn all the charges against him at the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court on Thursday.

Jub Jub

Maarohanye was accused of three counts of rape, two of attempted murder, and one of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm. The offenses date back between 2006 and 2010. He was arrested in July last year and has been out on bail. Read More