Home South Africa News Several peanut butter brands on recall

Several peanut butter brands on recall

peanut butter

The National Consumer Commission (NCC) has alerted the public that more peanut butter brands have been affected by the recall announced at the start of the month.

These include Dischem’s Lifestyle 400g Smooth and Crunchy, Dischem’s Lifestyle 800g Smooth and Crunchy, Wazoogles Superfoods (all sizes), Pick n Pay’s No Name 1kg smooth and Eden All Natural.

All these products were found to have high levels of Aflatoxin which were above the permissible levels. Acting Commissioner at the NCC Thezi Mabuza has advised the public to immediately stop consuming these products and return them to the store they bought them from.

“We’ve been asking the supplier to really be specific on the batches and the date. And from our engagement it seems that they are really not certain. It could be something that emanated as early as last year May- June because they are not certain. We would rather say to our consumers especially those in the Western Cape because the Eden All Natural and the Wazoogles Superfoods was actually distributed broadly in the Western Cape – to say to them if you are not certain rather go to the supplier and just take it back.

Source: eNCA

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