Home South Africa News Pinetown teens injured attempting latest TikTok viral challenge

Pinetown teens injured attempting latest TikTok viral challenge

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The Department of Education in KwaZulu-Natal is urging learners to refrain from attempting social media challenges at school.

This comes after two teenagers were injured while taking part in a challenge.

In a letter to parents and guardians, Pinetown Girls’ High School said the learners were seriously injured on the Grade 8 field.

“Two learners were injured in what appears to be an attempt to participate in a TikTok challenge. Paramedics had to be called to assist the learners, and they commented that they had attended another school for a similar incident,” the school stated.

The school further appealed for parents and guardians to speak to learners regarding the dangers of these challenges or dares.

“It is irresponsible for learners to participate in or encourage others to participate in challenges that endanger their safety or well-being,” the school added.

It said learners cellphones are to be placed in lockers immediately when the girls arrive at school.

“If a cellphone was on the field, at the time, it is in breach of the school Code of Conduct,” PGHS said.

The school wished the girls a speedy recovery.

“The KZN Department of Education is concerned about the growing trend of learners participating in dangerous TikTok challenges that result in injuries that could potentially harm their well-being,” said the DBE’s Muzi Mahlambi.

He said while social media can be fun and a creative outlet, the department strongly advised learners to refrain from participating in these challenges, which often involve risky and reckless behaviour.

“The safety and well-being of our learners is our top priority, and we cannot afford to see them put themselves in danger,” Mahlambi said.


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Shoki Mmola

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