Home Accidents Driver critical after slamming into tree

Driver critical after slamming into tree

Car Accident

Driver critical after slamming into tree. Reports from the scene indicate that the driver of a of a SUV lost control slamming into a tree then rolling several times. Gauteng: At 01H26 Monday morning Netcare 911 responded to reports of a collision on the R511 Hennops River Valley.

The patient, an adult male also the oy occupant has sustained serious injuries and required Advanced Life Support intervention to stabilise him. Due to the nature of the patient’s injuries a Netcare 911 helicopter ambulance was activated to airlift the gentleman to hospital for further treatment.

Car accident Tree

Shawn Herbst, Media Liaison Officer, Netcare Limited, Netcare 911, Suite 102, 1st Floor

Car crash
Umhlanga Medical Centre, 321 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, Umhlanga Ridge 4320, South Africa

Car Tree accident
GPS Co-ordinates: S25°59’40.14’ E28°7”14.859’