Home South Africa News EFF warns IEC against misinterpreting Constitutional Court order as excuse to save...

EFF warns IEC against misinterpreting Constitutional Court order as excuse to save ANC

Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has warned the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) against misrepresenting a Constitutional Court (ConCourt) order handed out on Friday.

The ConCourt dismissed the IEC’s application to postpone the local government elections, and said they should be held no later than 1 November 2021.

It also directed the commission to, within three days, determine whether it is practically possible to hold a voter registration weekend with a view to registering new voters and changing registered voters’ particulars on the national voters’ roll in time for local government elections to be held any day in the period from 27 October to 1 November 2021.

If the Commission determines that it is not practically possible to hold a voter registration weekend, the Minister must, not earlier than 10 September 2021, issue a proclamation in terms of section 24(2) of the Structures Act, determining a date for the local government elections in the period from 27 October to 1 November 2021,” it said.

But the EFF says the IEC must not misinterpret the order and reopen the candidate submission process.

The ANC’s shambolic submission outcomes made major headlines, and it stands to lose power in several councils without a vote being cast due to its failure to even register for numerous wards and even proportional representation lists. The EFF has warned that the IEC should not “operate on the whims and needs” of the ANC.

“We wish to warn the IEC not to misinterpret this court judgement and the instruction to open voter registration as an opportunity to reopen the process of candidate submission forward and proportional representation submission. All political parties were afforded the same amount of time to submit their candidates by the 23rd of August 2021, in the same platform and under the same deadline,” said the EFF in a statement.

Source: IOL

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Cardi B

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