Home South Africa News ANC Gauteng to re-evaluate its relationship with coalition partners

ANC Gauteng to re-evaluate its relationship with coalition partners

Panyaza Lesufi

The African National Congress (ANC) in Gauteng says it will re-evaluate its relationship with coalition partners at the local government level. This comes after various municipalities within the province deteriorated since the advent of coalition governments.

ANC Gauteng Provincial Chairperson, Panyaza Lesufi says coalition governments at the local government level have failed spectacularly.

Lesufi cited the City of Tshwane’s financial woes and the City of Ekurhuleni’s reported failure to submit their financial statements to the Auditor General of South Africa on time. He was speaking during a media briefing following a two-day Gauteng Provincial Committee Lekgotla which wrapped up in Boksburg.

The ANC in Gauteng has expressed concern over the dire state of some of Gauteng’s municipalities’ finances. This following a decision by the National Treasury to take back more than R 2,3 billion in unspent grants from the City of Tshwane.

Treasury cited, in a statement, under performance and non-compliance with various grant provisions.

“Report of Treasurer Auditor General on the finances of metals of all the metals can check whether it is almost at the bottom when used to be assigning of all the metals. We will use whatever mechanisms and systems that we have at our disposal (to ensure) that we place this evidence, this information in the hands of the powers that be, so that decisions must be taken on how quick we can improve Tshwane,” says Lesufi.

The ANC in the province has vowed to use its own resources to plug service delivery failures. Citing the poor water quality in Tshwane’s Hammanskraal, which made headlines following a cholera outbreak, Lesufi has urged the national government to intervene in the water crisis in the area. He placed the blame for the City of Ekurhuleni’s financial statements on its coalition partner, the EFF.

Throwing forward to the State of the Province Address, Lesufi alluded to his second address tackling issues such as job creation, crime prevention, economic recovery and service delivery.

Source: eNCA

In other news – King Monada and family attacked

Award-winning artist King Monada‘s family was attacked after the musician failed to pitch at a paid gig at a lodge in Limpopo on Saturday. Monada, whose real name is Khutso Kgatle, has since apologised for his no-show.

King Monada


It’s alleged that out of frustration, the owner of the lodge Peter Madupa of Madupa. Read more