Home South Africa News Dali Mpofu: EFF never received money from Sgameka Projects

Dali Mpofu: EFF never received money from Sgameka Projects

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)

Former Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) national chairperson, Dali Mpofu, said that the party never received any money from Sgameka Projects.

Former VBS chairperson, Tshifhiwa Matodzi, last week pleaded guilty to a raft of crimes in connection with the VBS scandal.

This in accordance with a deal he struck with the prosecuting authorities.

In an explosive affidavit that was leaked last week, he claimed that millions of rands worth of “donations” to the party were made through Sgameka, an alleged front company.

But Mpofu said this wasn’t true.

In Matodzi’s affidavit, he suggested that the alleged donations followed a meeting between VBS and the EFF to address “negative publicity” the former had been receiving from the latter.

Speaking to 702’s Clement Manyathela earlier this week, Mpofu said they did not accept Motodzi’s claims and highlighted that he was now a convicted criminal.

While Mpofu was adamant that no donations were received from VBS, he said he could not, at the time, confirm that none were received from Sgameka, though.

He did, however, commit to check.

And he has now come back to say that he had “been reliably assured that no monies were paid to the EFF from the company called Sgameka”.


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Popular South African actress Nompilo Maphumulo‘s family has been left traumatized by false reports of her death. The rumours claimed she was shot by gunmen while in her car in Joburg.

Nompilo Maphumulo

Nompilo expressed her shock upon hearing the news, which she learnt about from concerned people who contacted her to verify its authenticity. Read More