Home South Africa News Watch Cash in Transit Robbery Dawn Park Boksburg

Watch Cash in Transit Robbery Dawn Park Boksburg


Cash in Transit Robbery Dawn Park Boksburg: Video. There was drama again in Boksburg and an early Christmas for early arrives residents after they collected leftovers of the money that was left of the cash-in-transit van.

This happened after a money heist was pulled and was successful by the armed robbers who of late have been pulling these heists. They had been quiet for a while since the time Police Minister Bheki Cele was reinstated taking over from Fikile Mbalula.

When he came to office he declared war on the money heist kingpins and appeared to have been successful up until now. Lately, there has been a series of these cash-in-transit heists. We think its hightime Grootman Cele as he is popularly known should act accordingly again. Watch the Dawn Park Boksburg video below recorded as the heist took place…

Source – News365

In More News – Linda Mtoba sets up a bursary fund for children in need

Local actress Linda Mtoba has decided to give back by empowering young children with the tools they need for a brighter future.

On Tuesday, she announced that she was setting up a bursary fund for young children whose parents could not afford private schooling.

Through the recently launched Linda Mtoba Foundation, the star revealed that she will assist children and young people from disadvantaged communities.

Taking to social media, the former “Isibaya” star unveiled her first project: the foundation is offering full and partial bursaries for private schools across KwaZulu-Natal. Learn More